Thursday, September 13, 2018

Jordache Jeans and Milli Vanilli


Writing is a great distraction. I wrote a headline earlier after writing a big article, that I lost, and took it as a sign not to post the article. I rewrote one regarding Rachelle's baby boy Tyler. I wrote WHAT A HEADLINE TO HAVE ABOUT YOUR CHILD, it was meant to include what a BEAUTIFUL headline to have about your child. So true, a true statement for a headline, but today I write quickly and with purpose. So I see if there's a sign in what I write. In this case it was the word beautiful that draws me closer.

The actual headline has 2 meanings. First the way it sounds. Simple meaning simple translation. The second is how someone who lost a child Sunday might, might, read it. WHAT A HEADLINE TO HAVE ABOUT YOUR CHILD? WTF? I say that because 3 days later or even a year later it's so surreal you sometimes say out load - WTF? When it happened to us I had to call a priest, Preacher David Vasquez, and my old friend Sister Kathleen. I even reached out for Mr. Vance Stasevich, who was once Father Stasevich. Why? Because I've grown up believing in God and all his workings but - WTF? We just about lost my daughter, Landen's sister, to leukemia for three+ years and it was ugly, if we didn't have enough - WTF?

I'm sorry, if this sounds horrible but this is my little peddly site and I can say WTF, WHY take Tyler? There's so many others you could take. His mama feeds the homeless, his grandma Ruby put up with all of us, and his uncles are good men - who could have went a different direction early on - but didn't. They're good good good people. You could have left them alone.

Take a bad kid. Or take a bad kid with a bad mother or father. Hell, reach in the the third curtain and take the bad kid, bad mom, bad dad, and bad grandma, with bad uncles - not Tyler? WTF? Take the whole bad clan if need be, leave Tyler out. You got it wrong, again.

I can't understand it and neither will Rachelle, or you, if it happens to you - God forbid. The only thing I can say is, Thank you God for not making Tyler suffer for years or a prolonged unfair battle. Thank you. Sure you'd want quanity but not if the quality of life goes down. I'll have someone or another send me a thing because I say loudly - you got it wrong again God. God I'm sure you have your plans and your ways but - WTF?

I along with my child's mother had to make a choice on how long to keep Landen on life support. There wasn't much discussion, my kid loved life and the journeys it put him on. So there weren't many other alternative solutions, he was brain dead. I was alone with him begging for Jesus, God, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Mary, John the Baptist, or Joseph who got no big bible time and played second fiddle to Mary and John his brother - please snap my baby out of this. No. I gave my child his last rights, not knowing if I was doing it right, but did it all the same. His mother and family are Jehovah Witnesses but I did what I was taught what I thought was right.

I mean really, my kid was just 1 of 42 skateboarding deaths in USA in 2012. WTF? You had to take my boy when there were 350 million other selections? He was a good kid, it was like 350 million people lined up on a wall and you just happen to pick 42, one of them being my kid, come on. That's just WTF bad? I think more people get killed by Vampire's wearing Jordache Jeans while driving motorcycles drunk listening to Milli Vanilli - Girl You Know It's True. What are the odds on that? My luck or should I say - unluck.

Mr. Stasevich said it simply and said it best to me. "Michael I'm at peace that Mathew doesn't have to make any hard or small decisions ever again. - "Do I speed to get home? Am I going to cheat on my wife? Will I lie on my taxes this year?" Such a little compartment to put such a life changing subject in but he was so right. He did what was right for his head, advice I'll never forget. Thank you Coach Stasevich, you taught me when I was young and again as an adult.

Please, if you feel the need to send any God's gonna get you stuff - save it! (We'll explain Jordache Jeans and Milli Vanilli later kids).

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