Tuesday, October 17, 2017

An Interesting Fact...

I like to write. I take that back, I love writing. An interesting fact, commas and periods are the most frequently used punctuation marks used when writing. Commas customarily indicate a brief pause; they're not as final as periods. I was very generous with the comma when I wrote. But the real winner in a sentence, in writing, is the semicolon. It's champion because it symbolizes that a story isn’t over. I visualize it clearly every day and remind myself to stay strong. The quote ‘this too shall pass’ is a reminder that both good and bad will pass. So appreciate the good moments and don’t worry about the bad. My personal reminder to keep breathing through my storms, through my anxiety attacks, and through life. Although my use of the semicolon was very limited in my writings, I hope that my eternal semicolon will keep shining and my story will "keep on keeping on" long after I'm gone!

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