This pic was taken this morning while I was working out. I wanted to post it on Facebook but didn't know how to without appearing creepy, shallow, or insecure. I may be all those, who knows, but I'm thankful today that I still have a nice body. I guess I'm deeper than a shallow picture. It's not the picture it's the bigger picture of appreciation. I thank God, genetics, or my grandparents for what I have.
I use a filter for shadows but this is my body. In the big pic I'm sharing to everyone that I am OK with my self. If I wasn't showcasing this I'd share my thoughts because I'm thankful for my mind as well. I watch, listen, and learn. I'm as proud of my insides as I am my outsides. I'm aging and it's kind of scary because I still feel young.
I have pores, wrinkles, and blemishes. I've aged. Some days I'm tired. Sometimes my hair looks weird and my posture makes me look frail. I try not to post those pictures but spending too much energy performing for others and not enough energy fostering real, healthy connections makes me put away the Facebook and move to something else.
The purpose of me writing this post is to convey or pass to whoever is reading: love yourself. This is the real world and we all are aging by the second. Appreciate those wrinkles and appreciate your mind too. Maybe someone hasn't whispered to you lately that all your hard work has been noticed or that it sincerely matters. But I'm telling you that it is very important. I'm in great physical shape and my body can go up against most 30 something year olds , today, but I have no one whispering that. But that's OK. I'm whispering it and writing it today. Come tomorrow it may be gone but I have other attributes, characteristics, or things that make me beautiful. I'm not just a shallow guy posting insecure pictures, I'm sending out a message to appreciate yourself and love yourself. Sometimes we don't receive the whisper we want but sometimes it's the whisper you send to yourself that proves to be all you need.