I told her or encouraged her to let those legs out. "Who cares, I love you and that's all that matters." I'd always tell her. It sounds so easy if you're not the individual with the scars or the one who puts the words out there. But this week she did it twice. The first night was Sunday or Monday of last week when we went into Hy-vee Grocery Store with her shorts and the courage she had to do what she wouldn't the day before. I was so so so proud of her. Not only did she do something she hadn't before but we were in there for an hour. I say it was easy but I wasn't the one doing it, it was huge!
Saturday we decided to go out for a while and go listen to some live music and dance. We went shopping and she picked out a few dresses - all that were above her knees. A selection most would make without thinking twice but Autumn had to. Her dress selection was beautiful and her heart was pounding. I keep telling her that I love her and I'm going in with her, dancing, having drinks but most importantly I love her more than anything and it's me who would be going home with her. An easy set of words and sincere but it was her who had to do something she hadn't in over four years. She went in, danced, twirled that skirt and had a smile the whole time. Love my Autumn.
I love Autumn. I love her family and it's the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I think the first year is of adjustments. A year where you feel out your mate and make the decision can and will it go where you hope it will. Well it has. I love going to sleep with her, in the same bed nightly, a person I enjoy and choose to wake up happy with, The company a man only dreams of having beside
him. My soul mate. Autumn wore her dress, dances, and was cool with something other than jeans. She did it and I hope I had a little something to do with it but ultimately it was her. Comfortable enough knowing it just doesn't matter. All that matters is knowing she's loved, accepted however she comes, and is the most beautiful woman this man thinks there is. I'm deeper than a few little scars or something that I don't or have never noticed because she is what I've always dreamed of - a friend, lover, partner! - Actually written in September of 2016.