Friday, August 23, 2019

$5 Professional Shoe Shine & So Much More...

Duke's Professional Shoe Shining is located at 10th and Grand Ave. The corner isn't the most traveled nor does it shout out that there's something bigger than an average shine taking place right there in the open air on the corner. But the proprietor, Duke a 28 yr. old tradesman from Guam, is a lot more than what you see. This young man is the type of individual that when you meet him you want more. He's like your favorite character out of a book or movie who you want to see succeed at every turn. So much so you turn the page to ensure that your hero's march to goodness is unobstructed or delayed.

Duke shines shoes during the day, works a part-time swing shift at a call center til 9:00 pm, then goes to the Sinclair Gas Station to stock the shelves before calling it a day. Most days he puts in about 15 hour hours of work. But he's not done there. On the weekends he buys roses in bulk and heads out to local hotspots and sells his goods.  Ask him how he does it and he'll tell you that when you enjoy what you do it's not work but a blessing. A blessing he doesn't mind being part of.

"I tell the people I see on the streets pan handling how to make money instead of asking for a hand out." Duke says with a a smile. His signature smile is so pleasant and natural that quickly you realize that you're looking at a young man who is truly making a good life for himself and who could or most likely will reach great heights. Duke is great at his trade but what's really strong about him is that you wish he was your child or at the very least, part of your family.

I asked him how he got the corner where he shines shoes. Duke lit up and brandished his smile and says,"This story is one you have to hear because it was a true miracle."  TO BE CONTINUED...